Maggie Nick, LCSW

Trauma Therapist, Mom and Recovering "Good" Kid

I'm a Recovering Burned Out, Overachieving, People Pleasing, Perfectionist, Pushover + former "Good" Kid turned Trauma Therapist and Mom. Breaking generational cycles of trauma for my kids is wonderful and the best thing ever...and also freaking exhausting 💛 

I specialize in healing "Good" Kid Trauma and “Good Girl” Trauma — healing from the hidden struggles of always being the one who followed the rules, avoided conflict, and worked tirelessly to meet everyone else’s needs. I know the cost of striving to be “perfect." It's freaking exhausting.

I help you understand yourself on a profound and healing level so you can be the parent you needed to your inner child. AND your child, if you're a parent.

I'm the Founder of ✨Camp Lovable,✨ a relentlessly supportive Community and transformative Workshops to help women break free from People Pleasing, suppressing your feelings and needs, and feeling not good enough — so you can finally freaking love and be kind to yourself 💛

I'm also a Parenting Expert + the Founder of ✨Parenting With Perspectacles✨, where I teach about Big Feelings + Accountability with LOVE not shame for toddlers + teens + everyone in between. So you can raise kind, confident kids who feel good enough!

I am so glad you're here!

Camp Lovable is my relentlessly supportive Community with a Membership and transformative Workshops to help women break free from People Pleasing, suppressing your feelings and needs, and feeling not good enough —
So you can finally freaking love and be kind to yourself 💛
🔥 Weekly Bonfires (Group Coaching + Support Calls!)
🎥  A Care Package every month (a brand new Workshop on our monthly topic!)
💛 Access to The Cabin (our global private Facebook Group)

🌎 with an incredibly inspiring, relentlessly supportive global Community of women who are healing
For the first time, I will be offering the Camp Lovable Workshops to everyone 💛  Coming in January 2025! ✨ 
The first Workshops that'll be available —

✨ Loving The Sh*t Out Of Your Body WORKSHOP!

✨ Hard Family Stuff WORKSHOP!

✨ “Good Girl” Rehab WORKSHOP!


"Trauma therapist shares a powerful message for the ‘good kids’ parents never needed to worry about"


"Were You A Kid Who “No One Needed To Worry About”? This Mom & Therapist Has A Message For You"


"Therapist specializing in 'inner child rehab' explains why people worry about others being mad at them"


"What is parentification? How to avoid putting adult responsibilities on your kid"


"Gentle Parenting Is a TikTok Buzzword - but Here's What Most People Get Wrong"


"Motherhood Completely Changed For Me After I Followed These 4 Moms Online"

10 years ago, I was a mom-to-be, terrified I would screw up my kid. I did so, so much therapy to desperatley try to heal myself. 

I’d estimate I’ve spent more than HALF of my 16 years in Trauma Therapy myself trying to figure out WHY I felt like I didn’t deserve love. My road led back to how I was disciplined as a high up on my list was figuring out how to raise kids who actually feel lovable AND deserving of love.

I was the “mature” kid who was ALWAYS respectful + well-behaved.

And I have spent my entire life recovering. Figuring out who the heck am I, under all the anxiety + perfectionism + people pleasing + self-hate + feeling not good enough + fear of making people mad + fear of letting others down.

If you’ve spent a lifetime trying to keep everyone happy — smoothing edges, silencing your needs, and perfecting your “good girl” act — I get it! I was you, too. For years, I lived as a burned out, overachieving, people pleasing, perfectionist pushover and shape-shifting chameleon...terrified that being “too much” would cost me love and belonging.

This page is about me, sure, but more importantly, it’s really about us. There was never anything wrong with me, athough many versions of my along the way would have really argued that there was.

And there was never anything wrong with you, deep down, either. The struggles you’re carrying aren’t personal failures; they’re old survival patterns. I’m here to show you that not only can you break free and find your deserve to 💛✨  

Support AND Coaching Group.
We start January 24 + run weekly for 6 weeks.
8 spots total so I wouldn't wait to sign up 

Doors close September 19!

✨5   S P O T S   L E F T✨
to join my Retreat

With curated Workshops led by Me + my Bestie, fellow Trauma Therapist Mama Abbey Williams, LSW of You, The Mother.

Join us + 13 other women who are navigating a complicated relationship with their Mothers (some are trying to make the relationship work, some are fully estranged.)

✨Deadline to register, if there are spots available:
September 20!

It is impossibly painful to have to even ✨consider✨ having to walk away from your own Mother. If this is you, we so see you. 

All 4 of us have been there + in this Free Workshop, we share how we found ourselves in that place of recognizing what we needed to do to save ourselves AND how we survived.

All 4 of us have been there + in this Free Workshop, we share how we got through the dark + scary seasons of our own healing journeys PLUS our best tips for when we're working with clients who are IN IT.

A safe space to connect other parents from 63 countries around the world who are Parenting With Perspectacles.

Where you can be REAL about how utterly AMAZING parenting can be AAAAND how it can be so freaking hard sometimes. Share successes, ask questions when you're stuck + support each other without needing to worry about feeling judged or shamed.

Maggie hangs out in the Fb Group daily to post exclusive content, go Live to share insights + be in the trenches with you.